Today we met to finalize the trip. We bought the equipment we needed to make our “virtual field trips”. We now own a few extra camera cards, USB drives, and a hard drive to make filming and video editing easier. Mr. Schmidt will be loaning us some video equipment to take and we all have our own personal cameras. Mrs. Fish is the designated team photographer!
Did you know we have to keep track of every expense we incur? Because this trip is funded through a sponsor (Fund for Teachers), we have to report how, where, and when we spend each dime. Our receipts have to be totaled each day and when the trip is over our sponsor will have to approve our expenses. So as a team, we are learning what are “wants” and what are “needs”. Because part of our final project involves making virtual field trips, we classified video and photo storage equipment as a need. However, we didn’t have to spend too much since we already own some equipment that will work.
Did you know we have to keep track of every expense we incur? Because this trip is funded through a sponsor (Fund for Teachers), we have to report how, where, and when we spend each dime. Our receipts have to be totaled each day and when the trip is over our sponsor will have to approve our expenses. So as a team, we are learning what are “wants” and what are “needs”. Because part of our final project involves making virtual field trips, we classified video and photo storage equipment as a need. However, we didn’t have to spend too much since we already own some equipment that will work.
Finally, we have to say something about team work. You know how your teacher always has you work in a group? Sometimes you love it, sometimes you hate it. Well, we have found that we each bring some different strengths to our group. Ms. Lightheart and Ms. Barnes are the researchers and "dreamers". They find the places we can go and visit. Ms. Fish is the photographer and the documenting strength. Mrs. Martin finds a way to keep all the information, receipts, and times organized. Together as a team, we wrote the grant, we call for deals, make the reservations, and discuss our options. Teamwork makes it all go much smoother. We have to say this is a time you love teamwork!
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